The ASDSP Innovation portal is an online knowledge repository that provides a single access point for discovery, acquisition and sharing of information about innovations, technologies, and best practices. The repository offers an opportunity to promote participatory innovation development by the value chain actors by encouraging ‘VCA-led experimentation’ and the integration of farming communities into innovation systems. The idea is to foster knowledge sharing among value chain actors and other innovation actors, encouraging value chain actors to compare and share their experiences and to experiment more critically.

Solar Powered Cold Storage Unit
The company has limited deep freezer capacity, with which they store a few bird carcass and sometimes when the carcass are frozen customers have to wait for it to defrost while some impatient customers walk away.Having an own slaughter house they say is advantageous to them since the cost of hiring slaughterhouse services is expensive and eats into their profit margin. Power outages that last 2-3 days, make the frozen carcass go stale incurring losses and the power bills being costly at Ksh. 10,000 the expenses then go up. To avoid incurring such losses, ASDSP II supported the business venture with a hybrid solar panel system equipped with an inverter and a hybrid battery.

Fish scaling and filleting unit
Freshwater fish processing, like the processing of other food raw materials, should assure best possible market quality, provide a proper form of semi-processed of final product, assure health safety of products, apply the most rational raw processing method and reduce waste to the extent possible. Due to its chemical composition, fish is a perishable raw material. Fish flavour and texture change rapidly during storage after death. It is thus advisable in freshwater fish processing to keep the fish alive as long as possible. Actions focusing on quality assurance also involve transport and storage/depuration of the fish awaiting processing. At Jubilee market, fish scaling and filleting was being done in the open under very unfavorable conditions where the actors/ processors work under hot sun and or being rained on because of lack of shade, poor drainage, poor and inadequate work tops, and lack of flowing water leading to unhygienic fish handling conditions and therefore the need to construct the unit.

Solar drier and package sealer
Pure solar dryers, size - 1.5 meters by 2 meters, with 3 dehydrating trays, 80 - 100 Kgs dehydrating sessions

Solar drier and package sealer
Pure solar dryers, size - 1.5 meters by 2 meters, with 3 dehydrating trays, 80 - 100 Kgs dehydrating sessions

Aerated Crates
Plastic aerated big crates, size - 360mm height by 395mm width by 580mm length, Colour – Green

Kale seeds
kale seeds; Sweet Georgia F1 (50gms) Mfalme improved (50gms) Malkia curly kale (50gm)

Welcome to ASDPS TIMPs Portal
Agriculture Sector Development Support Programme Phase Two (ASDSP II) is one of the key programmes designed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives and 47 county governments to contribute to addressing food and nutrition security and promote manufacturing. It is primarily designed to enhance the capacity of different Priority Value Chain Actors at different levels to tackle the problems that hinder commercialization of Agriculture.
The programme is implemented by the Government of Kenya (National and 47 county governments) with strong participation of the private sector as direct beneficiaries or service providers. It is financed by the Government of Kenya, Sida and EU for a period of five years (2017-2022).

We invest in Kenyans potential
ASDSP II is operating under a devolved system of government. The Agriculture sector recognized this and developed a consultation and cooperation mechanism to promote good working relationship between the two levels.
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Success Stories
“Better opportunities and tools to enable poor people to improve their living conditions” The programme aims at transforming crop, livestock and fishery production into commercially oriented enterprises that ensure sustainable food and nutrition security by developing value chains that are environmentally resilient and socially inclusive. The stories briefly describe the groups and in some cases the individuals, the challenges they faced, the key programme interventions and the resulting changes that the beneficiaries groups experienced that improved their livelihoods.
Read moreKenya News Agency - KNA
The government has announced plans to compensate farmers who have lost crops and livestock due to the ongoing floods in the country. Agriculture Principal Secretary Dr. Paul Rono stated that most farmers in arid and semi-arid areas (ASLs) lost over 70% of their livelihoods to the rains. The Ministry is working with the private sector to secure funds for the compensation exercise and implement necessary mitigation measures. The PS is also encouraging farmers in affected areas to consider growing tuber crops that thrive during heavy rains to reduce losses.
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